fitness and nutrition, travel

Little Rock Half

My goals this year have me embracing the idea of a racecation…seeing the country (and maybe the world) by traveling to great races all over.

The first installment of racecations took me to Little Rock, Arkansas for the Little Rock Half Marathon. I had several firsts on this trip…first half marathon in 5 years (and second half ever!). First time in the state of Arkansas. First half marathon of my racecation series. And to make it extra special, my oldest daughter ran her first half marathon with me, along with her long time best friend (who also ran her first!)

It may seem like a random race to travel to, but once we figured out that my daughter’s friend could make it work (she lives not far from Little Rock), it all came together. I had earmarked this race because it was rated high based on crowd support, organization, fun, a not-super-hellish course, cool medals / swag, and a generous time limit. I am definitely a “back of the pack” runner by most standards, and freaking out about being taken off the course for moving too slow is something I don’t want to worry about.

I’ll be writing about several races this year, so I’ll focus on the highlights of each:

This race has a different theme each year. The current theme is dinosaurs which was a little funny, but I loved how the expo and all the local neighborhoods embraced the theme with enthusiasm. People ran in dinosaur costumes. Some of the pacers were dressed as Flintstones. The medal, known for being exceptionally large and heavy, was a sparkly triceratops. Easily a favorite.

There were great groups and signs along the way. Even a lipstick stop at the end where a well-known sorority was handing out lipsticks to make sure your finish was picture-perfect. The course was relatively flat. I loved running over the bridge, which also allowed us to cheer for the faster runners and wheelchair racers who were on their way back over as we made our way across.

I have been training with the Galloway run-walk-run method. The group of people running near me were in the same vein. It was pretty cool to hear a chorus of beeps and bells throughout the run and see people of all shapes and sizes getting their run on. I felt like I was in the right place. The weather was awesome, cool but not cold.

I had a great race and loved being congratulated by my daughter and her BFF at the end. They enjoyed their time together…it’s fun to see the two of them as girls who enjoy taking on adventures and challenges together too. Fit and adventurous friends are the best! Such great memories.

The only downside to this race was actually the town. Little Rock didn’t seem to have too much to do. There were hikes and caves and outdoor sports, but we couldn’t really take advantage of those since we were saving our strength for the race. We did enjoy Arkansas cheese dip after the event and an ice cream flight. I would 100% run this race again! Next stop: Disney!

#TinkRuns2024, featured, fitness and nutrition

I Run 2024 – January

I did it! 

Month one is in the rear view and I far exceeded my expectations. 34.25 miles accumulated. I ran 26 days out of 31. I even ran 15 days in a row at one point. Never in my wildest dreams did I have that as an expectation. Eleven more months to go and so many adventures are on the horizon. Who would have thought I would be so into running after 1 month. Certainly not me!

The start was bumpy. Day one running at midnight in Colorado. Cold. Dark. Unforgiving. I could have been done with one run. Just quit. That would be easy. And trust me I thought about it. Just a bizarre start to my adventure, I guess you could say. A flight home gave me time to pause and think about my game plan for the coming days. A regrouping of sorts. Time to think about my why or why nots.

I got a half mile in the next day. It was effort but nothing to jump up and down about. The next day I rested. My body was still recovering from travel. The day after I planned to run but life got in the way. I was beginning to get discouraged way too soon. Even having the realization of how hard my task to myself was actually going to be gave me a taste of humble pie. Training myself to do something I don’t want to or even like to do takes a lot of self talk. Over and over again. One step. The .11 miles running around a building at the gym to accumulate a half mile seemed tedious. The hill that seems like a mountain was on the other side of the building. I had avoided that hill many times. A mental block of sorts. All of it. Repeat the self talk. You can. You will. 

It was Friday. I was full of excuses. My body was achy from CrossFit. I asked a couple of family members to run a mile with me. No takers. It’s cold. That doesn’t sound fun. Why? That’s what I heard. I grabbed my AirPods and said I’m doing it. I just said I had to. I eventually want the words I utter to myself to be go now. No hesitation. For now I will settle for self talk because I’m trying to form a running habit. Holding myself accountable. Just this journal is a portion of accountability.

I hit 1.5 miles on that Friday. I set a small personal best for my first mile which is really what I’m focused on as I grow as a runner. Not sure if that’s the most effective focus but it’s what I’m working on at the moment. I walked some to cool down but all in all I was happy with my distance and productivity especially getting out there mid work day, alone. Battling the elements wasn’t really an advanced thought. The wind is just gross on a cold day. The wind may be your friend running one way but the way back it’s a slap in the face. Harsh as it comes. 

I ran 4 days the first week for 3.75 miles.  

I signed up for a virtual 5k. 

I ran an impromptu 5k on an air runner on a rainy day. For no reason. Who am I? I guess this will be my air runner bench mark time. I didn’t really plan to do this but I guess it’s now a data point. Go me! 7 miles accumulated in week 2. Yes, I am celebrating myself at every little milestone. 19 miles by the twentieth day of the month. Is this really happening?

I actually completed the virtual 5k by month end with a time of 38:58. I had to fight a lot of wind on this day as well. It was brutal in spots. I was excited to see my mile times were evenly dispersed when I reviewed my Apple Watch. This was a big win for me that I didn’t think was achievable. I guess this will be my 2024 bench mark 5k race time and my split times. Although I think a virtual race is slightly less significant due to it being self monitored versus say a chip time in an in person race. I did get a race bib for my 2024 collection so it does count as an official race. Still miss the hype of the crowds on race day that normally get you going faster.

My 5k time was logged after my first month of committing to running. A first and best official race time for 2024. It will be great to see where my 5k time ends up at the end of 2024. My last official recorded 5k time was 45:18 minutes back in May of 2023. A more hilly course and no training leading up to the event which means I should have improved but it definitely feels good to give myself a baseline 5k time to work on over the year. I also had an unofficial 5k park run time of 42:52 back in August of 2023. Definitely good to have some progress points to refer back to.

 I ran in 2 states (Georgia/Colorado).

 I ran in the cold.

I ran at the park.

I ran in the city.

I ran at midnight.

I ran alone most days. This is where the biggest growth is for me. Putting in the work when nobody is watching. Striving for better, solo. Getting up the courage to go alone. This can be scary at first but empowering in the long run. Getting punny here.

I ran at 6am with my crazy friend! The smile is also before the run. The red face was definitely the after look with no smile. The darkness of the photo reiterates the wee hours of the morning before the sun rises.

I ran inside on an air runner, more than once.

I ran stairs and liked it.

I learned that music can distract your mind from running if you can sing along to the soundtrack. For me this is important for pacing as well as going further before stopping. It also helps to maybe run for a song length estimating the time elapsing. This is exactly why I have a new running playlist thanks to a dear pal who keeps me on track. I also snagged a good running play list from the virtual 5k group as an added bonus.

My 1 mile best pace was 11:31 on 1/5/24.

My 1 mile pace dropped to 11:11 on 1/10/24.

Not every day was a personal best, but every day I had some sort of effort towards my goal. Writing. Reviewing. Running. Planning. Taking steps every day that will keep me on track. And don’t forget running isn’t my sole focus. I’m also active in CrossFit and paddle sports like tennis and pickleball. All of which are in full swing making me work hard to balance life and fitness goals.

I also made a visit to the local running store to make sure my feet were equipped properly for my hefty goal. Enter a new pair of shoes. My first pair of Brooks. I tried several other brands but decided on this one. We shall see how it goes. Not so excited about the color but we will see if the performance is a winner.

First run in the Brooks was decent. Cushiony but firmer than the ASICS. On we go to month two. February. The chocolate month. The Hot Chocolate 5k is on the books with friends which will be yet another 5k time to catalog. Let’s see what month two looks like for me. I’ve already come so far in such a short time. Feeling confident after month one even if the confidence is short-lived when I look at the big picture.

I also pulled the trigger on signing up for a half marathon in November of 2024. This goal is getting real, quick. Another fun fact is I’m taking pictures along the way to document my journey. And boy is my running face a sure sign of distress or pain as my friend noted. Hopefully that will change in time.

Happy to report month 1 was a success. Keep following to see where this journey leads.


Year End Chaos

12 days left in the year. I was thinking of traveling, but didn’t have a firm plan. Then I was thinking of binge watching Netflix rolling into 2024. This was the cozy option. Maybe house projects were best suited for my holiday time… the first two options had me smiling at “what ifs.” The latter was a done deal. The house deep cleaning was scheduled. 7 hours of hard work. The yard project ended up being more than expected. Painting was just painting. Out with trash of the year too. All was getting done.

Then a hiccup of sorts. A quick trip you say? I did want to travel. Oh how the mind of a curious girl works. Let’s go. Not just any travel, rather a whimsical road trip adventure. Buckle up! Where to? 

One brave soul opted to be my travel buddy. One bold and ready to adventure. I did have some no ways too, but I just needed one yes. Eight states to pass through along the way. Approximately 1,500 miles. Maybe 20-24 hours in the car, one way. Yes please! I’m in. Let’s go for it. How much fun will this trip be? Ending 2023 with a bang and starting 2024 with a pop.

Fueled up in the home state of Georgia. BBQ in Nashville, TN. Edley’s might have been the best burnt ends and spicy grits casserole I have ever had. Full belly rolled on into Kentucky as the sun set for rain, rain and more rain. At the end of the night was a cool stop in Metropolis, Illinois. We just had to catch this iconic stop to see what the hype was about.

Early rise to go see the World’s Largest Catsup Bottle. I don’t even like catsup but was fascinated by the idea of making this stop. It was a bottle. It was a landmark. Photo below. 

A quick drive over the river landed us in the heart of St. Louis. Another iconic stop at the Gateway Arch. Cool, crisp air set the tone for a memorable morning at the river front. This seemed like the perfect gateway to the beginning of a midwestern adventure .

Did I mention it was morning? 10am to be exact. St. Louis pizza, you say? Why of course! Next bucket list item is the local delicacy of cracker crust pizza with provel cheese. I wish you could hear the crunch in this post. It wasn’t like a chip but a cracker crunch. A snap. An ooze of gooey cheese. Not too saucy. Not too greasy. A treat to eat. Not too messy for the car. We ate it all. This treat came from Imo’s in downtown, which already had piles of orders at the breakfast hour. 

With a full belly in tow, we headed west again and the next stop had educational value. A quick visit to the Weldon Site. An encapsulated waste site where you could climb to the top of the mound of debris. Fascinating. A little eerie. A questionable stop to some. I loved every minute of it. My little walk on the moon. Stairs to nowhere. Once three towns were swallowed by this mound, then beautified to today’s present state. Google it for a history lesson. 

Headed west again. Destination Kansas. The land of lonely roads and windmills. The darkness of night illuminated by red flashing lights. The beacon of not one two or three but hundreds of windmills along the road. Wide open skies and open land for miles and miles. That’s Kansas. Miles and miles of open spaces, a Wheat Jesus and a giant Van Gogh replica. Just a day in Kansas!

Onward we traveled to the west. Destination Colorado. The day of arrival was unusually warm. 50 degrees in late December after a blizzard just last week. Good timing I suppose. Beautiful blue skies. Amazing mountain backdrops glistening in the distance. A wonderful end to a couple of days trekking across country.

I hope this post inspires you to travel. Take a road trip. Find the hidden gem spots to stop at along the way. Take the slow and scenic route vs. rushing to your destination. Breathe the air. Smell the flowers. Taste the local food. Embrace the journey / experience.


Good Bye 2023

What a year. So many cool things came up on my radar. Many fun adventures. A few trials. A few set backs. Many lessons learned. All in all it was a good year.

I learned to play pickleball in 2023. A new sport for me. A new social group. I very much enjoyed picking up this new hobby. I even enjoyed getting beat by old people my first season in a league. Maybe a little humbling too.

For 2024 I’m spending time with the 1sE app a friend recommended. Basically documenting a second a day for the year. A picture or video or combo. Can’t wait to see what makes the reel. Seems like a fun way to rewind 2024 a year from now. 

I got a chance to travel a good bit in 2023. Spent time on the road with different travel mates adding to the adventures.  Travel by plane. Travel by car. Travel by RV. The variety kept things spicy. Some planned in advance. Some spur of the moment. Each memorable. The travel bug that hit in 2023 will continue in 2024. I’m feeling the need to explore on my horizon. New places. New experiences. Checking out the hidden gems along the way to each destination. Being present in my life journey while I’m able to enjoy it.

Fitness has been in the forefront in 2023 and will continue in 2024, adding a running goal for my special focus and long term goal. In 2023 I chipped away at 1 million meters by row, bike or ski erg and now I need a new focus. I was recently asked about the why of my long term goal. Since I have a short attention span it’s important for me to have a long term goal to chip away at. I might have to break it up into bite-sized pieces or add variety to get it done, but it helps me overall to have that focus in the background. Somehow I’m able to mirror my life and fitness balance in similar ways. Chipping away seems to work for me.

Friendship has been valued in 2023. Through the high and lows of life it’s good to have a solid group of trusted friends to help you sort through the chaos. Friends are by choice. Some stay awhile and others fade. I’ve seen friends fall ill, needing support while I remain healthy. I hope to continue to fuel myself so that I may continue to be a good friend to others in times of need. i don’t expect much in return but it’s nice to know I do have good friends in my corner. I plan to spend 2024 nurturing relationships that are meaningful.

Reflecting on the year was bitter sweet for me. I focused on thankfulness and let others know how valued they were. I wrote sweet notes. I gave away funny keepsakes. I made a point to impact others as the year closed out. It felt good all around. I even played Cupid in 2023 and the couple is still going strong. Such a fun and unexpected part of 2023.

Feeling free as I roll into 2024. Free of baggage weighing me down. Free to explore and enjoy life and its beauty. One day at a time. I guess I may choose to write a little along the way too. Just a glimpse of my reflection from me to you.  Wishing you all the best in 2024 and beyond. 

#TinkRuns2024, challenges, fitness and nutrition

I Run 2024 Part 1

The hype has been building for some time. The details have been documented. The plan was set in motion. The anticipation lingers. The excitement builds. The suspense is in the air. It’s all going to be up to me. A solo goal. A goal to reach deep into my soul. A running goal that clearly relies on my soles. Just me!

Last week I ran in a practice state (Missouri). I ran stairs at the Arch in St. Louis and at another crazy tourist site. It was fun. I felt strong. I was ready for day one at least. Running shoes are packed. Layers of clothes somewhat picked out. The route is still a mystery for day one. The time is still unknown. A midnight run would be fun. Practical, not so sure.

The day has arrived. The beginning of my running the year 2024 start to finish is here. The quest. The tallying of miles. The places I will go. It starts today. It starts with me. Self-powered adventures await.

In an odd turn of events I am spending New Year’s Day in Denver, Colorado. I won’t be here for long, but will be long enough to log my first run of the year. Although I didn’t plan my first run to be in Denver, I am super excited to note my first day of adventure was on the road. I guess that means my last day of the year will hopefully be on the road as well. Bookends of the adventure!

The weather. Cold. Baby it’s cold outside. Just one mile. That’s what I’ve been telling myself. Just one mile at a time. Hitting the pavement at midnight is how I’m choosing to start this adventure of miles. It’s most likely how I will end the year as well. Destinations may be different but the night run is probably a must.

The shoes. I’m starting my year with ASICS. No real reason other than they were cushy and my feet feel good in them. They also have color and style which appeal to me at this point. I’ve tried other brands but for now this is what I have. More will follow on shoes and clothes I’m sure.

The shirt. I will have at least twelve shirts along the way. One for each month. All designed my crafty business partner to capture the adventurous spirit of I Run 2024 my way. My pace. My race. It’s that simple. I may not be the fastest but I hope to improve. I may not make the longest distance but I will chip away at my personal goal. No comparisons. Just me doing work. 

The run. It was cold and lonely. I started at midnight on New Year’s. Odd time to run and I was in unfamiliar area thus I had to be aware of my surroundings. A few homeless crossed my path. I opted for no headphones in order to hear what was around me at that hour. I was layered up but also running a mile in an altitude I’m not acclimated to had my chest burning mid-way. I finished. I was excited to start the year with some excitement.

I had a dear friend with me. Capturing the moment. Cheering me on. Lighting sparklers at the end. We might have looked a bit crazy but it was over before we knew it. Then I had to wind down for bed. It took me almost two hours. I probably won’t run again at midnight on the road but I did it this time and it was very fulfilling. Bonus of running at a hotel was the fresh fruit water waiting in the lobby after along with the outdoor firepit to stay warm while cooling down.

First run is done and the tallying has begun. I plan to take my running slow on the front end of the year but build as I feel my body is ready for more challenges. Stay tuned for my monthly recaps to see my mileage adding up or where I may be running.

One new state in the books!